Covid 19 updates
updated June 22
We pre-screen customers and employees before coming to SUPGIrlz though links in our confirmation and reminder messages with the most current provincial guidelines. https://covid-19.ontario.ca/screening/customer/
Masks are mandatory for staff and customers while checking in/checking out at SUPGirlz for rentals.
We have hand sanitizer for customers and employees and encourage its use.
We are keeping 2m or more away from customers and other employees as well as wearing masks when not able to
Only one employee in boardroom at a time due to its limited size. Please be patient when checking in and out your belongings from out from our clean bins.
Customers items are kept in a clean bin in the boardroom.
We routinely clean all of our equipment, including; paddles, wash hoses, bins, pfd’s, board handles, and other equipment.

SUPGIRLZ is grateful to all of our front line workers.