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Join date: Apr 4, 2022


As an Amazon seller, your ultimate goal is to win the Buy Box. Because shoppers care more about the overall price of their purchase rather than just a product's individual price, you need to be ready to adjust your prices according to changes in shipping and tax rates. Furthermore, you should be ready to beat out any other marketplace sellers when it comes to pricing. Being able to meet or beat your competitors' prices is key to winning the Buy Box. To be successful on Amazon, you need a tool that will monitor your competitors' prices and allow you to immediately change yours accordingly. Alpha Repricer is a continuous algorithmic repricer software for Amazon that monitors prices and reacts immediately—ensuring you keep your items priced as closely as possible to those of your competition so that you maximize your Buy Box wins. Alpha Repricer makes sure you never miss out on an opportunity to win the Buy Box due to briefly being outpriced by a competitor.


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